
Agile UI allows you to create and combine various objects into a single render tree for unified rendering. Tree represents all the UI components that will contribute to the HTML generation. Render tree is automatically created and maintained:

$view = new \Atk4\Ui\View();

\Atk4\Ui\Button::addTo($view, ['test']);

echo $view->renderToHtml();

When render on the $view is executed, it will render button first then incorporate HTML into it’s own template before rendering.

Here is a breakdown of how the above code works:

  1. new instance of View is created and assigned to $view.

  2. new instance of Button.

  3. Button object is registered as a “pending child” of a view.

At this point Button is NOT element of a view just yet. This is because we can’t be sure if $view will be rendered individually or will become child of another view. Method init() is not executed on either objects.

  1. renderToHtml() method will call renderAll()

  2. renderAll() will find out that the $app property of a view is not set and will initialize it with default App.

  3. renderAll() will also find out that the init() has not been called for the $view and will call it.

  4. init() will identify that there are some “pending children” and will add them in properly.

Most of the UI classes will allow you to operate even if they are not initialized. For instance calling ‘setModel()’ will simply set a $model/$entity property and does not really need to rely on $api etc.

Next, lets look at what Initialization really is and why is it important.


Calling the init() method of a view is essential before any meaningful work can be done with it. This is important, because the following actions are performed:

  • template is loaded (or cloned from parent’s template)

  • $app property is set

  • $shortName property is determined

  • unique $name is assigned.

Many UI components rely on the above to function properly. For example, Grid will look for certain regions in its template to clone them into separate objects. This cloning can only take place inside init() method.

Late initialization

When you create an application and select a Layout, the layout is automatically initialized:

$app = new \Atk4\Ui\App();

echo $app->layout->name; // present, because layout is initialized!

After that, adding any objects into app (into layout) will initialize those objects too:

$b = \Atk4\Ui\Button::addTo($app, ['Test1']);

echo $b->name; // present, because button was added into initialized object

If object cannot determine the path to the application, then it will remain uninitialized for some time. This is called “Late initialization”:

$v = new Buttons();
$b2 = \Atk4\Ui\Button::addTo($v, ['Test2']);

echo $b2->name; // not set!! Not part of render tree

At this point, if you execute $v->renderToHtml() it will create it’s own App and will create its own render tree. On the other hand, if you add $v inside layout, trees will merge and the same $app will be used:


echo $b2->name; // fully set now and unique

Agile UI will attempt to always initialize objects as soon as possible, so that you can get the most meaningful stack traces should there be any problems with the initialization.

Rendering outside

It’s possible for some views to be rendered outside of the app. In the previous section I speculated that calling $v->renderToHtml() will create its own tree independent from the main one.

Agile UI sometimes uses the following approach to render element on the outside:

  1. Create new instance of $subView.

  2. Set $subView->name = false;

  3. Calls $view->add($subView);

  4. executes $subView->renderHtml()

This returns a HTML that’s stripped of any ID values, still linked to the main application but will not become part of the render tree. This approach is useful when it’s necessary to manipulate HTML and inject it directly into the template for example when embedding UI elements into Grid Column.

Since Grid Column repeats the HTML many times, the ID values would be troublesome. Additionally, the render of a $subView will be automatically embedded into the column and having it appear anywhere else on the page would be troublesome.

It’s futile to try and extract JS chains from the $subView because JS wouldn’t work anyway, so this method will only work with static components.

Unique Name

Through adding objects into render tree (even if those are not Views) objects can assume unique names. When you create your application, then any object you add into your app will have a unique name property:

$b = \Atk4\Ui\Button::addTo($app);
echo $b->name;

The other property of the name is that it’s also “permanent”. Refreshing the page guarantees your object to have the same name. Ultimately, you can create a View that uses it’s name to store some information:

class MyView extends View
    protected function init(): void

        if ($this->getApp()->getRequestQueryParam($this->name)) {
            \Atk4\Ui\Label::addTo($this, [
                'Secret info is',
                'class.big red' => true,
                'detail' => $this->getApp()->getRequestQueryParam($this->name),

        \Atk4\Ui\Button::addTo($this, ['Send info to ourselves'])
            ->link([$this->name => 'secret_info']);

This quality of Agile UI objects is further explored through Callback and VirtualPage